People experiencing cavities often seem concerned about knowing, whether ‘can cavities cause bad breath or not. Apparently, bad breath comes with cavities that’s why both of these are usually linked together. However, cavities do not cause bad breath but when these small holes are exposed to bacterial buildup, it causes bad breath.
Bad breath is a very common issue that 50% of people face once in their lives due to various reasons. It usually doesn’t stay longer and can be treated with a little more attention to the oral hygiene, diet, and proper hydration. In case, the problem persists and demands significant care and doesn’t go with basic hygiene tips then it might be caused by problematic cavities.
Can Cavities Cause Bad Breath and How Can One Prevent Them
What are Cavities?

Before moving towards the focus question, can cavities cause bad breath, we need to understand the nature of cavities and its vital causes. Cavities are small and pesky holes in the teeth caused by sticky and acidic bacteria that eat up enamel. The erosion of enamel leaves the teeth hollow in the middle of it. The holes further provide a space for germs and bacteria to hide in and start affecting the rest of your teeth. Cavities need persistent and regular oral hygiene to avoid this bacterial build-up that may also cause bad breath.
How Do Cavities Smell Like
It is imperative to bear in mind that cavities don’t have a direct link to smell. These do not smell themselves but the smell is caused by those bacteria taking shelter amid the cavities. This stubborn plaque build-up in the cavities makes them smell like sulfur.
Can Cavities Cause Bad Breath

Other Causes: Can Cavities Cause Bad Breath
Besides the bad breath caused by plaque buildup in the cavities, chronic bad breath might have multiple reasons including poor oral hygiene, bad stomach conditions underlying medications, etc. When you ensure that the cavity issue is fixed but you are still experiencing bad breath then there must be other reasons such as orthodontic devices (braces), dentures, tonsil stones, gingivitis, oral infections, gum inflammation, periodontal pockets, stomach, kidney and liver disease, alcohol consumption and smoking, etc.
Symptoms of Cavities: Can Cavities Cause Bad Breath
Symptoms of cavities don’t only stay stifled to bad breath but various signs indicate the presence of cavities in your mouth. In the early stages, cavities don’t show any signs but as the situation starts worsening, multiple symptoms start emerging. Some of the signs of cavities in teeth are:
Spots on teeth surface
Intense pain
Swelling around the face
holes in teeth
Gum inflammation
How to Prevent Bad Breath
To prevent bad breath(halitosis) diagnosis of the reason is the first step. Once you have tracked it, you can start with its cure. The most common reason for bad breath is poor hygiene which develops several other oral diseases such as periodontal disease, gingivitis, tonsil stones, and plague buildup, to contribute to causing bad breath. Following up with regular oral hygiene and health helps in getting rid of all the possible causes of bad breath.
Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and a fluoride-based toothpaste. Prefer using a small brush that can easily reach all the nooks and crannies of your oral space.
Use BOLT water flosser to remove all bacteria, food debris, and plaque built with a lukewarm pressurized water stream. You can also add natural ingredients or mouthwashes to the water for better cleaning.
Use a tongue scrapper to scrub tongue in order to disinfect your tongue. BOLT water flosser provides a separate tip to scrape your tongue along with a pressurized water stream that thoroughly cleanses the tongue.
Use mouthwash to cleanse out properly as it leaves a cool sensation in the mouth.
Stay hydrated to avoid dryness in the buccal area as dry mouth caters to bacteria with the perfect environment to grow in the mouth and cause tonsils and bad breath.
Quit smoking, and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products to avoid plague build up.
How to Treat Cavities to Manage Bad Breath

In order to prevent cavities from worsening and managing bad breath simultaneously, filling cavities proves to be an effective dental procedure. Through cavities’ filling, no space would be left for bacteria to reside in and damage the remaining parts of your teeth. Moreover, no bacterial build-up, and no bad breath. Therefore, cavities and bad breath linked with cavities can be treated through this dental procedure.