The commitment to proper dental hygiene is essential to uphold a beautiful radiant smile. The wellness and uninterrupted functioning of your teeth require regular dental hygiene and care. Adverse conditions can provide your buccal area with a safe shelter from stubborn bacteria and harm your overall health. Various diseases including gum inflammation, periodontal pockets, gingivitis, and arthritis are directly linked to poor dental hygiene. Therefore, in order to make sure everything related to your oral space is kept in place, observe regular dental hygiene steps. This blog will provide you some effective oral care tips to maintain and keep your teeth and gum line contamination-free, to include in your routine.
Top 10 Best Dental Hygiene Tips

Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast
Without any exemption, brushing twice a day is essential. Even if you brushed your teeth last night before going to bed you can’t start your day with bed tea skipping brush. Under such circumstances, bacteria grow in darker places and during your sleep, your oral space becomes a peaceful area to rest. Therefore, starting your day with brushing as a first thing in the morning helps you to keep your buccal area from bacteria that your mouth carries overnight. Additionally, follow the following tips regarding brushing.
1- Prefer using an electric brush as it cleans more precisely.
2- Use a brush with soft and flexible bristles that could reach all the nooks and crannies while ensuring the safety of enamel.
3- Select a brush of small size or medium size that could cover all your oral space.
4- Brush your teeth and gum line at a 45-degree angle.
5- Brush your gums and tongue a little softly.
6- Brush your Teeth Before Going to Bed
Although, you already have brushed your teeth once at the start of your day after all day’s meals your mouth needs a lot of cleaning before bedtime. The buccal area already becomes prone to make a peaceful habitat for bacteria at night even if you brush your teeth before sleeping, what if you sleep with food particles and acids in your mouth and let it rest overnight? This condition would lead you to grow a coat of plaque along the gum line and on the surface of your teeth and cause bad breath. Therefore, never skip to brush your teeth before going to bed.

Change your Brush After a Few Months
An old brush that has constantly been in use for months can be damaging to enamel and your gums. With time, your brush’s bristles get rough and round that once were soft, flexible, and straight. These rounded bristles don’t only inhibit proper cleaning but also stifle its performance. Moreover, the rough texture of an old brush can be harsh on the outermost layer of your teeth. Therefore, change your toothbrush every 3 months of its use to ensure your dental hygiene.
Water Floss your Buccal Area Regularly

Solo brushing is never enough for complete dental hygiene and health. Water flossing your teeth once a day is an indispensable task to tuck away all bacteria, food particles, plaque, and germs hiding deep in your gum pockets. The pressurized water stream of BOLT water flosser covers all hard-to-reach spaces in your mouth and reaches around 7mm deep to your gum line to deep cleanse your gum pockets thoroughly. Pressurized warm water streams also massage your gums and maintain blood circulation in your oral space ensuring your dental hygiene and health side by side.
Use a Tongue Scraper
Dental hygiene is not restricted to only cleaning your teeth and gum line: tongue scrapping is a vital part of your oral hygiene and health. As a passage to every drink and meal you eat all day, your tongue gets trapped between germs that stick to the surface of your tongue and cause bad breath if not treated regularly. A tongue scraper removes all these bacteria from your tongue ensuring its freshness. Some water flossers also offer an additional tip to scrape your tongue with a pressurized water stream or a mouthwash mixture. BOLT water flosser caters to eight different heads to cover all oral health and hygiene steps with one kit as a solution for all.
Use Mouthwash Regularly
After brushing, flossing, and tongue scraper your mouth needs a final step to rinse out any remaining particles and leave your oral space fresh and germs-free for the rest of the day. Use a high-quality fluoride-based mouthwash to clean your mouth properly.
Avoid Sugary Drinks and Foods
Sugary foods and drinks have adverse effects on your dental hygiene. Our body instantly releases some acids to digest sugary diets as the food enters our mouth. These acids do not only digest sugary food but also some amount of these acids left out in our buccal area that damages enamel through pilling up a sticky film of plaque on the surface of our teeth. Therefore, to avert this situation avoid sugary drinks and meals at your best, reduce sugar intake, and observe complete dental hygiene steps right after the consumption of sugary diets.
Avoid Smoking
To avoid dental hygiene and health concerns, eschew smoking. Smoking is the biggest cause of various harmful oral diseases and concerns in smokers. Smoking leaves tar in your buccal area that sticks to the surface of your teeth leaving not only ugly stains but also plaque buildup that leads to tooth decay. Therefore, quit smoking to ensure your dental hygiene.
Limit Alcohol, Coffee and Tea

Drinks such as alcohol, coffee, and tea often contain additives such as food dye or corn syrup that may cause discoloration. The excessive use of these beverages fades the brighter color and shine of your teeth away therefore, limiting the use of certain drinks can be a lifesaver. Instead of these additive-based drinks, choose to drink milk regularly to maintain your oral health.
Regular Visits to a Dental Hygienist
To keep a complete check on your oral health and hygiene, make a regular visit every month to your dental hygienist and twice a year to your dentist. The immediate notice makes immediate care possible which can save you from many hassles.