You might have found yourself wondering on multiple occasions which brand has the best cordless water flosser on Amazon right now. Or what water flosser is regarded as the best water flosser nationally and internationally? The answer might not be as simple as you think. A simple search of the term “best water flosser” is going to yield tons of results, with every brand claiming that their water flossers are the best. But how can you know which one is best? You can’t simply rely on a brand name, and with how high the prices of cordless water flossers are these days, one does not have room for risks.
So, how can you tell among the hordes of water flossers that which one falls under the category of best water flosser? To do that, you have to rely on word of mouth. Don’t believe everything that the brands put in front of you. They want to make sales so obviously they are going to advertise their water flossers as best. However, to find the best cordless water flosser, you have to listen to what the general public has to say.
Best Water Flosser in New York – BOLT

BOLT conducted a simple survey in New York to find what people prefer in their water flossers and what kind they deem as the best water flosser. The survey yielded different opinions, but a few things that people of New York highlighted that made a water flosser best are portability, battery life, grip, water tank, nozzles, and modes. Taming these opinions into consideration BOLT set to work to craft a water flosser that was void of errors made by the predecessors and had everything the public wanted. Once the invention was complete, prototypes were given out to New York dentists and the common public to test. Here is what they had to say:
“This water flosser is great; it has everything one needs to achieve cleaner teeth and mouth. Its nozzles are designed to fit the needs of people with different oral problems, and the modes are perfect enough to suit both novices and experts. All in all, it is safe to say that BOLT water flosser is the best water flosser I have come across in a while” Dr. Andrew Murphey DDS
“Honestly, my mouth never felt cleaner, and the bigger tank saves me the time it takes to refill again and again. Also, the pressure is just right.” Fallen O’Neil New York resident
“I would choose BOLT over bigger brand names every day. Not only does the flosser deliver what it promises, but it also comes with a ton of freebies. Not to mention that you are getting all that for such a low price.” Jhon Allen New York Resident
If you prefer not to take into consideration word of mouth or reply to what a stranger has to say, then you are welcome to buy our product on Amazon and try it for yourself. Trust us, you will not be disappointed, in fact, you will be left in awe at how wonderfully this product works.
What Makes BOLT the Best Cordless Water Flosser?

A lot of research and work went into making BOLT. We spent days and nights trying to find the solutions to the problems the existing water flossers had and trying to come up with ways to create a flosser that was void of all such problems. The reason why BOLT is regarded as the best water cordless water flosser is because we succeed in our mission.
We created a water flosser that has 9 modes with 1 being the ideal one for novices and 9 being perfect for professionals. The water flosser also comes with 8 nozzles that each have a different function like cleaning teeth, tongue, braces, and massaging gums. Furthermore, the tank capacity of BOLT is 350ml which means you don’t have to refill the tank, and one fill will last the entire cleaning. Not to mention the battery lasts for 30 days and the flosser is compact enough to be easily carried on the go.