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Water Flosser: Everything You Need to Know

water flosser

If you are up to transforming your dental health condition by reconsidering your oral hygiene routine, including a water flosser would be your best decision. Regular use of a water flosser coupled with brushing twice a day helps to keep your buccal space clean and healthy resolving a number of dental issues as well as […]

Do Water Flossers Work for Braces?

do water flossers work for braces

“Do Water Flossers Work for Braces?” is one of the most repeatedly asked questions by people with braces who usually prioritize their oral hygiene more as compared to others yet they seem to inquire about some effective oral care methods. Braces complicate and compromise one’s oral hygiene due to the complex structure of brackets and […]

How to Get Rid of Periodontal Disease?

How to Get Rid of Periodontal Disease

‘How to get rid of periodontal disease?’ is a commonly asked question of patients suffering from this painful experience. Periodontal disease is commonly referred to as gum disease that involves inflammation of the gums. This soreness in gums is caused by infection in the gum tissues that support teeth roots. Untreated inflamed gums can lead […]

What is Tartar? How Can We Prevent it?

What is Tartar

Some people seem confused and sometimes unaware of the difference between tartar and plague. Usually, a layer of assimilated yellow substance on the surface, between and along the gum line is interchangeably called tartar and plague. Before delving into the discussion about what causes tartar and how we can prevent it, understanding ‘what is tartar’ […]

Gingivitis Treatment at Home-Tips 2024

gingivitis treatment at home

People suffering from different oral diseases seems to be concerned about gingivitis treatment at home. Now, the question arises, what gingivitis is? Thus, in simpler terms we can say that gingivitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease that appears in the form of gum bleeding, soreness, and gum swelling. Gingivitis is caused by inflammation […]

10 Best Christmas Gifts

Best Christmas Gifts

Every year when Christmas comes around the corner, everyone seems overwhelmed with choosing the best Christmas gifts for their dear ones that are not only aesthetically appealing but also useful for themGetting unique ideas every year for the same family and friends while giving considerable attention to what they would certainly fancy is a tiring […]

Why Do Dentists Recommend Water Flossers to Arthritis Patients?

Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is a disease linked with different degrees of disturbances in joints. It is commonly found in people older than 50. However, studies show one-third of Americans are Arthritis patients: irrespective of any certain age group, this disease is equally prevalent in teenagers as in old age people. Different kinds of Arthritis can cause discomfort […]

Does Water Flossing Help with Gum Inflammation?

Gum Inflammation

Flossing has been in practice in multiple forms for several years such as flossing through a traditional toothpick and a dental string floss etc. However, with innovations in recent years, flossing has gotten into trend again with more advanced options such as cordless water flossers. Water flossers are designed not only to convey convenience but […]

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

White Spots on teeth

Stainless teeth and a sparkling smile are everyone’s dream: who wouldn’t want that? However, white spots on teeth can immediately pull that spark away and undermine one’s confidence. White spots are patches and discrepant white marks on the surface of teeth. Among various causes of white spots on teeth, some of the most common reasons […]

Top 10 Best Dental Hygiene Tips

Dental Hygiene

The commitment to proper dental hygiene is essential to uphold a beautiful radiant smile. The wellness and uninterrupted functioning of your teeth require regular dental hygiene and care. Adverse conditions can provide your buccal area with a safe shelter from stubborn bacteria and harm your overall health. Various diseases including gum inflammation, periodontal pockets, gingivitis, […]

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