The distress of tonsil stones can truly be empathized by those who have suffered from this overpowering situation.
Tonsil stones are calcified hard deposits that usually develop into the cryptus around the tonsils due to the assemblage of bacteria, dead cell debris, etc. These are also referred to as tonsillitis. People with tonsil stones in their throats often complain about constant discomfort, bad breath, irritation, and bad throat.
This blog will help you understand tonsillitis , their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Additionally, it will provide an ultimate guide on how to remove tonsil stones with an oral irrigator.
What are tonsil stones?

In the crevices of the tonsils, some small deposits owing to the persistent accumulation of minerals, bacteria, and food debris are developed. These calcified deposits of bacteria are called tonsil stones. These stones cause discomfort in the throat: symptoms include sore throat, constant irritation, and bad breath. Tonsil stones vary in size: small-sized entities sometimes don’t get much attention but the larger size of tonsils causes much disturbance that can not non-negligible.
Causes and Symptoms of Tonsil Stones
The main cause of tonsil stones is poor oral hygiene when food debris and excessive bacteria in your mouth start accumulating in your throat and forming small deposits of almost 5mm. There might also be some bigger stones than 5mm as well. A history of chronic throat infections increases the risk of experiencing tonsil stones as well.
Besides debris, tonsil stones are also formed through minerals entrapped in the crypto folds. Throat glands contain tonsillar cryptos that, if bigger in size, may store minerals such as calcium, etc. These minerals also calcify into tonsil stones in the cryptos.
The risks of developing tonsillitis are higher in teenagers, people with larger tonsillar cryptos, those who have frequent throat infections, and those who don’t drink sufficient water.
Tonsillitis Symptoms

One of the most common tonsil stone symptoms is bad breath. Besides bad breath, other symptoms of tonsil stones include bad mouth, ear pain, trouble swallowing, constant discomfort in the back of your throat, swollen throat, persistent cough, difficulty in breathing and small white pebble-like spots visible on your tonsils, etc.
How to Remove Tonsil Stones Using an Oral Irrigator

Oral irrigators are very useful tools not only to prevent tonsillitis but also to get rid of stones already existing in your throat. A water flosser also called an oral irrigator provides instant protection from the tonsils. In order to get effective results, follow the following steps to remove stones through the use of an oral irrigator,
Fill the reservoir of your water flosser with lukewarm water.
Mix some salt into the warm water.
Fix the water pressure setting to medium to high pressure as per the requirement.
Target the stones with the pressurized water stream of your oral irrigator.
A pressurized water stream will dislodge the stone.
Spit it out and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash.
How to Prevent Tonsil Stones
As tonsillitis are mainly linked with poor oral hygiene, with regular oral hygiene and care these stones can be avoided. Observe the following steps of oral hygiene to prevent tonsil stones.
Brush your teeth twice every day.
Water floss with lukewarm water to get rid of all bacteria and food debris in your oral space.
Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash to ensure the removal of every last bit of bacteria from your mouth.
Drink a sufficient amount of water in routine to stay hydrated.
Pay regular visits to your dental hygienist.
Other Ways to Manage and Treat Tonsillitis
There are various other ways to get rid of stones without getting professional help. However, some large-sized stones require surgery and other treatments to remove and treat the tonsil stones. To get rid of a manageable stone,
Swish and gargle with lukewarm salt water.
Use BOLT oral irrigator to flush out the stone.
Gently push the tonsils with the help of a cotton swab, uproot it, and swish your mouth.
Use the coughing method: cough intensely to extract the stone.
Sometimes, tonsillitis get out on their own without any treatment. You only need to manage it if this situation is causing persistent discomfort and pain. Meet your doctor if you are constantly being exposed to this condition.