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Problems with the Teeth of Coffee Drinking People

Problems with the Teeth of Coffee Drinking People


Problems with the Teeth of Coffee Drinking People

Are you a coffee lover?

How many cups do you drink in a day?

Do You know how problematic a coffee mug can be on your teeth?

Many of us love coffee knowing that coffee can easily stain your teeth. However, have you ever thought how damaging it can be than just staining tooth surfaces? Let’s have a look at your morning Joe, your liquid energy drink, and what problems with the teeth of coffee-drinking people can occur.

Coffee lovers find it more than just a drink – it’s a booster that keeps them going active and sharp. You might be thinking about the link between coffee and your teeth, and how it’s a problem. No doubt, the leftover coffee stains on your teeth surface are harmful, but there are other concerning matters and issues with the teeth of coffee drinking people, which we often overlook.

The primary Problems with the Teeth of Coffee Drinking People

The primary Problems with the Teeth of Coffee Drinking PeopleEnamel Erosion

Enamel is a major building block of your teeth. It’s an outer protective, hard coating to shield the sensitive dentine underneath. Interestingly, enamel is stronger than bones and it takes a lot to get damaged. However, ironically, it only covers the outer surface of your teeth above the gum area; once it’s damaged, you cannot revive its original state.

Coffee is acidic and acids erode tooth enamel because the enamel is not invincible to acids and bacteria. Hence this is the reason people usually get both enamel erosion and tooth decay together. When a person keeps drinking coffee regularly – gradually the coffee comes into contact with tooth enamel, exposing the dentin layer of the tooth, resulting in pain and sensitivity.

Acid Reflux

People suffering from acid reflux can also worsen tooth erosion. Numerous diseases contribute to enamel erosion, for instance, highly acidic diets, eating disorders, etc.


One crucial thing that a coffee lover should always consider is that, similar to enamel erosion cavities can also hit you. This is due to the fact that acids also cause cavities. However, normally it happens when bacteria cause the secretion of acids on your teeth in contrast to the acidity that’s caused directly by the drinks.

We all are aware that sugar causes cavities. Normally people prefer adding sugar to their coffee because not everyone likes coffee without a sweet texture.  Moreover, we prefer visiting coffee shops for fancy coffee drinks such as cappuccinos and lattes. It’s a risk to stay on fancy drinks like coffee.

If you are consuming large sugar quantities abnormally or sugary liquids in your routine, your mouth is not always going to cooperate by keeping gums and teeth healthy.

Hence, if you are a coffee drinker remember you cannot go away from acidity but you still can work to lower sugar content and coffee effects through various tricks.

Bad Breath

Quite surprising, right? But it’s true, coffee can lead to some serious issues, for instance, bad breath.

Every time you drink coffee, it leaves residues in your mouth that feed the natural fluoride, responsible for your oral biology including both good and bad bacteria. Coffee with sweeteners and creamers inside adds extra sugar, that later on feeds bacteria. The more you drink coffee the more you feed your bacterial waste products, eventually causing bad breath.

Therefore, make sure to properly clean your mouth after drinking coffee.

The easiest way to do this is;

Ways to Keep Your Teeth Clean After Coffee at Home

Ways to Keep Your Teeth Clean After Coffee at Home

Prefer having Black Coffee

Black coffee is a way better than coffee with added creamers. This is because it contains less amount of sugary content and less acidic.

Keep Sipping on Water

Always sip on water from time to time throughout the day to combat enamel erosion, bad breath, tooth stains, and cavities. Never let sugary drinks like coffee be the last thing you consume.

Don’t let yourself starve till lunchtime after drinking coffee in the morning. People often do this especially when they are on a weight loss journey like intermittent fasting. Do not allow coffee to settle down on your teeth for hours.
Take a moment and have some water, because if you have time to drink coffee you can also take your time out to drink water. It is better to keep your water bottle at your desk or wherever you are going – keep your water bottle along. Take a sip of water and swish it around your mouth to minimize the chances of coffee residues settling down on your teeth.

Drink Your Coffee Through Straw

This technique allows coffee very little time to contact your teeth to lower your chances of stains and cavities.

Whitening Toothpaste

Using an effective toothpaste can also help prevent stains specifically if it has fluoride in it. Fluoride strengthens your enamel and helps to protect you from cavities building up in the mouth and enamel erosion.

Visit Your Dentist

Visiting your dentist regularly can keep you away from cavity buildup and avoid tartar. Only brushing cannot assure 100 percent healthy gums and teeth, for that you always need a dental professional for routine cleaning.


BOLT Water Flosser

Add a quality flosser to your brushing routine for instance Bolt Water Flosser. A water flosser can help you best here as it is liable for people with sensitivity issues, prosthetics, and those facing muscle issues and can’t reach the gum lines properly. The only condition is you need an effective water flosser with the ability to remove 100% bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gum lines.
BOLT Water Flosser is one such product with 9 different pressure modes, a compatible tool for all.


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