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5 Benefits of BOLT Water Flosser

Benefits of BOLT Water Flosser

Flossing is as much needed as brushing your teeth is and there are numerous benefits of BOLT Water Flosser. People often neglect this crucial step of the oral routine, because they consider brushing enough for protection from bacteria. But despite that, many of us remain unable to clean our mouths thoroughly because, unlike flossers, toothbrushes cannot reach the narrow areas of the mouth. That’s why when you do floss, you are more likely to remove food debris stuck in between your gum line. Hence, flossing your teeth means removing every single bacteria living in your mouth.

BOLT Water Flosser is an easy-to-use portable device, that reaches and cleans the gum lines while removing 100% plaque. With 20 – 140 PSI water pressure and 1400 – 1600/min vibration capacity, this flosser is an excellent choice to clear out bacteria in narrow areas of your mouth. Furthermore, the BOLT Oral Irrigator provides a large 350 ml water capacity, making it a preferred choice in contrast to competitors.

Benefits of BOLT Oral Irrigator

Easy to Use Water Flosser

As per the above discussion, one of the prominent benefits of BOLT Water Flosser is that it is an easy-to-use device. All you have to do is turn on your device and let the water stream through your teeth lines with 20 – 140 PSI water pressure to remove plaque and food debris. You can easily adjust the water pressure as you want it to stream. Here are a few simple steps to easily use this flosser;

Steps to Use BOLT Water Flosser

  1. Insert the nozzle into the nozzle hole.
  2. Open the water tank add lukewarm water and cover it again.
  3. Select the mode from 1 to 9 to get the required gear.
  4. Put the head of the nozzle into your mouth and press the start button.
  5. Allow water flow to move in between your gumlines to clean each tooth.
  6. Once you are done, turn the water flosser off and remove its tip from your mouth.

Cleans Food Debris Effectively Between Gum Lines

Cleans Food Debris Effectively Between Gum Lines

Many of us find food particles stuck in between teeth lines even after brushing. This can be irritating and sometimes embarrassing if you have a meeting after your lunch break. The issue can be resolved with BOLT Water Flosser as it comes with 100 percent cleaning capacity. This 360-degree cleaning flosser removes food debris from the deepest parts of your teeth.

A study proved when a water flosser is used alongside a manual toothbrush, more bacteria and stuck particles are removed from the tooth surface in comparison to mere tooth brushing.

Removes Tartar and Plaque Effectively

Tartar and plaque removal are significant parts of a brushing routine and if left unremoved, ultimately they will be turning into cavities or tooth decay. Tooth decay is obviously going to need a dental procedure and proper treatment. Therefore, if you want to avoid tooth decay and expensive visits to dentists, it’s time to buy a quality water flosser. The benefits of BOLT Water Flossers are that they effectively remove tartar and plaque while keeping your teeth safe. This way no bad bacteria can reside and attack your teeth.

Perfect Solution for people with Dental prosthetics

Perfect Solution for people with Dental prosthetics

People with dental prosthetics usually have difficulty brushing and flossing. It is quite common for people to have dental prosthetics, for instance, brackets and braces, it’s a part of being extra conscious about your oral health. The only problem is that people with dental prosthetics are less likely to clean their mouths because metal attachments are more open to bacteria.

Here comes another prominent benefit of BOLT Water Flosser because it’s way different from traditional flossers. You no longer have to worry about food debris and tartar around your braces because Bolt Water Flosser is going to remove every bacteria underwires and around brackets without any damage.

Ideal for People with Medical Conditions

One of the benefits of BOLT Water Flosser is a useful option for people with medical conditions. For instance, people with Parkinson’s or relevant diseases find it hard to brush because of the uncontrolled shaking of hands. Furthermore, it’s difficult for such people to do traditional flossing using string floss. BOLT Water Flosser is a convenient tool for people with medical conditions. This way, they can take care of their oral health without taking help, to avoid constant visit to doctors.


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