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What is a Water Flosser: An Introduction to BOLT Water Flosser

What is Water Flosser: An Introduction to BOLT Water Flosser


An oral irrigator or water flosser is a handheld device for oral care, that directs a water stream between your gums and teeth, removing bacteria, food debris, and tartar. When combined with brushing, water flosser improves oral health by up to 100 percent. The answer to what is a water flosser, generally there are four types of water flossers:

  1. Countertop

This one is the bulkiest and heaviest of all four water flosser types. You can place it on your countertop while plugging into the nearby electric socket. Some of them contain an irrigator tank which you need to refill whenever required.

  1. Shower Flosser

As the name suggests, the shower flosser needs to be attached to your shower head which you can use before or after you have taken a shower. There is no requirement for batteries or electricity and also doesn’t worry about refills. However, these water flossers are usually more tricky to operate.

  1. Faucet Water Flosser

This is the most commonly used type of water flosser and quite similar to shower flosser. The only difference is it comes along a cord that needs to be attached to the water basin instead of the shower head. Similar to shower flossers, the only drawback is that generally, it is difficult to operate.

  1. Battery or Cordless Operated Flosser

This is the most flexible and portable type of water flosser with a sleek and small structure, ideal for travelers.

What is a Water Flosser? – BOLT Water Flosser

BOLT is a brand of oral irrigator or water flosser. It streams water between your teeth and gum lines to remove food debris and plaque. It can be a perfect solution for people having trouble with traditional flossing or people with prosthetics or other diseases.

How to Use BOLT Water Flosser?

How to use bolt water flosser

A water flosser cannot replace a toothbrush but can be a final step to get 100% bacteria and debris-free teeth lines.

Here are the steps on how you can use BOLT Water Flosser;

  1. Nozzle Mounting

Adjust the nozzle in the nozzle hole at the top edge of the BOLT water flosser and hear the clicking voice, indicating installation.

  1. Add Water or Cleaning Solution

There are two options to fill the BOLT Water Flosser water tank. The first method is, to open the cover of the water tank, place the flosser horizontally, fill an appropriate amount of water, and again cover the water tank. Or you can unscrew the tank exactly beneath the flossing unit, fill the tank with water, and reattach it to the main body of the flosser.

  1. Mode Setting

After adjusting the water tank, press the mode button and select your desired pressure from any of the nine modes available on the BOLT Water Flosser. Each time you press, the cycle goes from 1 to 9 each time.

 1 –> 2 –> 3 –> 4 –> 5 –> 6 –> 7 –> 8 –> 9

  1. Power Button

Put the head of the water flosser in your mouth and press the power button to start the cleaning process.

  1. Cleaning Process

Keep your body slightly forward during the process of cleaning while keeping your mouth slightly open. This way food residues in your mouth can be directly flushed out.

Make sure to not open your mouth vigorously, otherwise, water is going to splash everyone.

You can freely rotate the nozzle at 360o, making it a convenient product that can be adjusted according to your choice.

  1. When to Stop

You can stop the process of flossing whenever you feel like you are done with the cleaning process. Just tap the power button to shut down the device. Otherwise, the flosser will automatically shut down after running each mode for two minutes, according to your selected mode settings.

Why Choose BOLT Water Flosser?

BOLT Water Flosser is a perfect solution for all your oral hygiene issues. The primary function of the product includes its ability to eradicate 100% bacteria and food debris from your mouth ensuring thorough cleaning of your teeth and gum lines. Furthermore, the BOLT water flosser is particularly beneficial for people with dental prosthetics and relevant issues because its compatibility with sensitive teeth is applaud-worthy.

Equipped with Nine adjustable pressure options, it is perfect for those with delicate sensitivity and people looking for an alternative to typical string flossers. The innovative design of the BOLT water flosser ensures the safety of your teeth while removing every single trace of bacteria from your mouth. When paired with regular brushing, it significantly reduces the need of expensive visits to the dentist, which otherwise can be a burden to your daily budget.

A portable BOLT water flosser is an ideal companion for travelers and those who value their dental hygiene after every single meal.

The Nine Modes of BOLT Water Flosser

What is a water flosser - nine modes of BOLT Water Flosser

  1. Soft

An Ideal choice for kids and people with sensitive gums

  1. Beginner

Perfect for those just experiencing water flosser

  1. Pulse

Rhythmic pulsation for promoting circulation and massaging the gums

  1. Normal

Steady stream for effective cleaning and removal of food particles

  1. Plaque Removal

Heavy Stain and tartar removal on the tooth surface

  1. Orthodontic

Tailored for dental prosthetics such as braces, cleans efficiently around wires

  1. Periodontal

Deep cleaning option for periodontal pockets to enhance gum health

  1. Turbo

Powerful clean for stubborn debris and heavy plaque buildup

  1. Fireball

Robust, delivers maximum pressure for 100% cleaning

Benefits of BOLT Water Flosser

To know more about the BOLT and primary qualities of its water flosser, have a look at this article. Here you can easily assess how effective and premium this product is.


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