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How to Remove Tooth Decay Yourself – An Ultimate Guide to Oral Hygiene

How to Remove Tooth Decay Yourself - An Ultimate Guide to Oral Hygiene


Tooth decay or cavities are small holes in your teeth, which are not easy to remove at home in natural ways. Especially when you have already damaged your teeth, there is only one solution and that’s visiting your dentist. However, home care can prevent tooth decay when brushing is combined with flossing. BOLT water flosser is one effective tool to answer how to remove tooth decay yourself. It removes 100% bacteria from teeth and gum lines and can be a perfect solution to maintain oral hygiene.

How Plaque Forms and Transforms into Tooth Decay

How to remove tooth decay yourself- How Plaque Forms and Transforms into Tooth DecayBacteria and food in your mouth build and form a sticky film on the surface of your teeth and alongside the gumlines. This sticky lining is called plaque, when you eat something the bacteria inside this plaque produces acids which ultimately cause cavities. One of the bacteria that plays a primary role in this decay is Streptococcus mutans.

Places where plaque can easily build up are:

  1. Between your teeth
  2. Near gum lines
  3. Pits, grooves, and cracks in teeth
  4. Around fillings, specifically when they are broken or chipped

If you don’t floss your teeth regularly after brushing, the plaque is going to:

  • Destroy bone that supports teeth
  • Cause gum infections and tooth decay
  • Ultimately leads to the formation of tartar

Difference Between Pre-Cavity and Cavity Stage

Pre-Cavity Stage Cavity Stage
The enamel plate is damaged already Enamel is damaged and grown to the dentin stage
Usually its not painful Quite Painful
Reversible stage Irreversible stage
Visible white spots without holes Holes are visible


How Cavities Are Formed?

Cavities also known as tooth decay, are the holes in your teeth. The stage comes when plaque sustains and acid breaks down the hard surface of a tooth. Here, tooth decay starts at the outer layer and on the surface of a tooth, damaging the enamel plate. If left untreated, gradually this damage sets inside inner layer of the tooth as well, known as dentin. At this stage, the cavity starts developing.

The first stage is called demineralization where the tooth starts losing minerals, appearing as white spots. At this stage enamel of a tooth is damaged already but has not yet reached the stage of dentin. This enamel-damaged stage is also known as the pre-cavity stage of a tooth. However, the demineralization stage soon converts into dentin if left untreated and at this point, you are left with no other choice than professional dental treatment.

How to Remove Tooth Decay Yourself – Can You Get Rid of it at Home?

Get Rid of it at HomeCavities can only be treated by dentists in a professional environment. However, there are numerous home remedies to strengthen tooth enamel, which help prevent tooth decay and early demineralization. This cavity-prevention process is called remineralization.

The question how to remove tooth decay yourself can be answered by following good oral hygiene. Which includes regular brushing and flossing, alongside regularly visiting your dentist to prevent and reverse cavities.
Let’s have a look at a Few Ways to Answer How to Remove Tooth Decay Yourself.

High-Fluoride Toothpaste

Using toothpaste with high fluoride or direct application of fluoride can help prevent cavities and tooth decay. It helps remineralize the enamel plate and prevents it from cavities. Studies have indicated that high-fluoride toothpaste is an effective method to reduce tooth decay in children and adults. However, some people prefer using natural home remedies in comparison to toothpaste or mouthwash.

Here are a few home remedies to answer how to remove Tooth Decay Yourself

  1. Minerals and Vitamins

Vitamin D is important for:

Protection against dental caries and infections
Healthy teeth formation

Releasing calcium in saliva to help mineralize teeth enamel plate

Minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium together makes the structure of your teeth.

  1. Aloe Vera Tooth Gel

Aloe vera can help fight off bacteria, a reason behind cavities production. The antibacterial properties of aloe vera tooth gel prevents cavities from staying inside a tooth. When combined with tea tree oil, aloe vera acts as an efficient cavity disinfectant, comparable to traditional disinfectants known as chlorhexidine.

  1. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient medicine that originated as an alternative to Ayurveda medicine. Take a tablespoon of coconut or sesame oil, swish it around your mouth for about 20 minutes, and spit it out. The process is not scientifically validated; however, researches have found oil pulling an effective method to improve your dental health.

  1. Avoid Consumption of Sugar

Your diet, specifically sugar is among the leading agents in causing cavities. Sugar combines with bacteria in your mouth and forms an acid, that stays down the tooth and damages enamel. World Health Organization recommends that people should limit their sugar intake, especially when someone consumes sugar before bed, the risk of dental caries multiplies.

  1. Avoid Phytic Acid

People consider phytic acid an antinutrient that hinders the absorption of numerous minerals, resulting in tooth decay. The included minerals are zinc, calcium, iron, etc. Therefore, some believe, that cutting phytic acid from your diet can prevent cavities and tooth decay. It is commonly found in legumes and cereals, such as:

  • Rice
  • Wheat
  • Broad beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Navy beans
  • Haricot beans
  • Blackeye beans
  • Rye
  • Maize


  1. BOLT Water Flosser

Flossing alongside brushing is one of the most reliable ways to keep your teeth healthy and to answer how to remove tooth decay yourself. Flossing helps clean food debris more effectively, however string flossing is not an effective method for everyone. For instance, people with dental prosthetics cannot use it due to their braces, etc. People with sensitive teeth need a different flossing tool to keep their teeth secure while flossing. BOLT water flosser is comparatively an efficient tool to get 100% bacteria-free teeth.

You can set the water pressure of the BOLT Water flosser as per your need, from 9 different pressure modes. Also, this portable device can be carried anywhere to maintain your oral hygiene routine. 350ml water capacity tank of BOLT Water Flosser keeps the flossing process effective for a longer time. most of all this product removes 100% bacteria and food debris, alongside removing prolonged tartar.


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