Yet not acknowledged, water flossing caters to multiple benefits in our daily oral hygiene and health. The benefits of water flossing encompass our various daily oral concerns of cleaning teeth and gums and keeping them fresh to maintain our oral health in the long run. If you have been constantly struggling to achieve a healthy, fresh, and clean sensation in your buccal area, water flossing can be your friend in addressing all your intraoral problems.
Owing to the multifaced benefits of water flossing, this method is rapidly gaining popularity among a wide range of dental care specialists, patients, and people who are sensitive towards their oral care and hygiene. This blog will not only acquaint you with all the commonly known benefits of a water flosser but also those minute details regarding the benefits of water flossing that only a dental care professional could explain comprehensively. Let’s dig deeper.
Benefits of Water Flossing
Cleaning Periodontal Pockets

Periodontal disease occurs due to the buildup of bacteria down below the gum line. Traditional string flossing that can only reach approximately 3mm at its best below the gum line can not address the issue completely, which remains the same and comes forward in the form of infection or teeth loss in severe cases. On the other hand, the water stream of water flossers is usually capable of reaching around 7mm deep or more below the gum line. It makes these devices even useful for people with deep periodontal pockets and its use in routine keeps these pockets clean and fresh.
Remove Plague
Water flossers offer a range of options to customize the water pressure according to one’s needs. You can adjust the water pressure as per your concern and the dental condition that you are going to deal with. High water pressure helps you remove stubborn and chronic buildup of plaque from the edges and around the gum line. Moreover, regular water flossing resists against tarter and keeps your mouth clean and healthy.
Remove Food Particles

Besides removing chronic buildup around your teeth, water flossing provides daily care against the food particles that stick in different parts of your mouth. Different tips of water flossers and their regular use help water reach every inch of your mouth and remove all the food particles that often stay hidden and out of reach otherwise. Its regular use gives a fresh and healthy feel to your inner mouth.
A Safer Option for Dental Implants
Water flossing is a safer option for dental implants. Dental implants are more prone to damage as compared to natural teeth whether it is with hard brushing or string flossing. However, daily use of water flossers doesn’t keep your implants bacteria-free but it also improves their life by keeping them strong, clean, and undamaged around the gum line.
Effective than Traditional Flossing
Water flossers in various aspects are better than traditional string flossing: water provides a fresh sensation; it is gentle to your gums; multiple sizes and shapes provide effective results; it can even remove stubborn plaque easily; it saves from periodontal disease and keeps gum pockets clean.
Pressure Flossing Still Gentle to Skin
The benefits of a water flosser extend to its gentle touch to our skin. Though the water stream helps you remove a chronic plague with its high pressure, it keeps a gentle touch that saves your gums and leaves your skin undamaged, unlike the string flossers that tend to cut the skin along the gum line or other parts of your inner mouth.
Braces-Friendly Option
One of the most appreciable benefits of water flossing is that it is highly effective in the case of braces and works magic with its tip with a brush that is specially designed to clean your teeth over braces. Proper cleaning keeps your teeth from early decay and plague.
Easy to Operate
Water flossers provide ease of use as compared to string flossers and save you from a lot of trouble of reaching deeper and around every corner. One may hurt one’s gums in the process of this traditional flossing as well. On the other side, water flossers cater to a comfortable flossing experience owing to their handiness, portability, and multiple heads and shapes.
Multiple Solutions with Multiple Tips

BOLT Water flossers come with multiple tips of various shapes and sizes that address different oral issues. You can choose from these tips to treat your problem accordingly. These nozzles are also designed as per the suitability to the different parts of our mouth, such as, wider, narrower, and deeper.
Cover Hard-to-Reach Oral Spaces
Besides addressing multiple oral issues, these nozzles of several different sizes and shapes help the water stream reach even those parts of the mouth that are often hard to reach in the case of string flossing and brushing. One can cover different parts of the oral area from different angles with compact-size flosser tips.
Also Read
Why is a cordless water flosser better than a corded one?